Hatfield Soto

Lives in Mauritania · Born on February 1, 1907
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Birth Date:
February 1, 1907
Last Login:
July 24, 2024
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July 23, 2024
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The point at which scheme operators gave workers their contract varied, for example some signed online beforecoming to the UK whilst others did not do so until their farm induction. Russian Translation Agency found migrants were not provided with translated documents, only in one alternative language, or in the wrong language. However, the 2022 Defra Seasonal Workers survey found that 95% of respondents self-reported receiving a contract in a language they understood. Our analysis of this data found that fewer women than men did so (92% compared to 95%), and also revealed differences by nationality. Shown in Table 5.6, workers from Uzbekistan, Nepal and Indonesia were most likely to have a contract in a language they understood, whereas those from Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan were least likely. This may indicate that language provision depends more on scheme operator/employer efforts than the actual difficulty of obtaining translation support.
Translations into Russian
Table 2.1 shows that most workers responding to the 2022 Defra Seasonal Worker survey self-reported working for at least 32 hours on average. To note, this data was collected before the minimum hours guarantee, which applied from April 2023. The evidence we have received suggests at the prevailing pay rates, domestic workers are unwilling to undertake seasonal work on farms, and it is unlikely that farms will be able to meet their seasonal labour demands using the domestic workforce.
  • During World War II, the United States (US) executed a bilateral treaty creating the ‘BraceroProgram’ in response to concerns of a shortage of agricultural workers.
  • The National Minimum Wage is the minimum pay per hour most employees between the ages of 16 and 20 receive, with rates depending on age and whether the worker is an apprentice.
  • This suggests pay would not be a deciding factor for individuals to pursue these occupations (as others are available at similar rates).
  • Additionally, some services provide clients with direct contact information so they may communicate directly with the selected translator throughout the duration of their project.
  • In 2025 this quota will be lowered to 45,000, reducing the maximum number of visas by a total of 12,000 including the removal of the 10,000 extension.

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Employers also noted that the new wage announcement had only given them 6 weeks to organise the extra payments. The minimum wage on the scheme changed in April 2023 to match NLW (currently set at £11.44), which employers generally reported being happy with. Several employers reported enhanced payments, including for additional responsibility, performance bonuses and for overtime/night shifts. For employers spoken to as part of the research or responding to our CfE, the SWS was a key element of their recruitment strategy. CfE respondents generally reported being able to employ most, if not all, of the seasonal labour they require using the SWS.
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In New Zealand, employerscontribute to employees’ travel costs, both to get to the country and for onward travel to the work site. In the US, under the H-2A visa classification, employers are required to provide, among other requirements, inbound and outbound transportation and subsistence, workers’ compensation insurance coverage, meals, and housing. Employers and representative organisations were split between those who said the current visa length was too short, and those who felt it met their needs. Employers recruiting multiple cohorts of Seasonal Workers reported that this created additional work (as they repeated recruitment/training operations multiple times over the year) and increased planning risks as it was more likely workers would arrive late or leave site early. The visa length was also said to prevent employers from receiving maximum value from workers, given that they require many weeks (and for mushrooms around 3 months) to develop the dexterity and knowledge required for the role.
Seasonal Workers should not have to work more than 48 hours a week, including any overtime, unless by choice. They are entitled to at least 1 day off per week, or 2 days every two weeks, and a rest break of at least 20 minutes if working more than 6 hours per day. Given that the SWV had been in operation for several years, in March 2023, we wrote to the then- Minister for Immigration informing him of our intention to launch an inquiry into the scheme.