Fiery Phoenix

Lives in United States · Born on November 3, 1967
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 3, 1967
Last Login:
November 7, 2019
Member Since:
October 21, 2019
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About Me
Being in Love with your Heart...Love is the Proper word the emotion
we so feel inside we breathe with every step we take.. But to Love
with our an Infusion...An Emotion..A Feeling Beyond The
Word Love...There Is No Word On Earth or Heaven That Can Truly
Describe It...It Overtakes Our Very Life Essence...We Can Only Be
Lucky Enough To Experience It With Our Soulmate.... written by Fiery Phoenix the Poetess

Every night I stand alone
Breathe freezing upon the window sill
Gazing upon the sweet moonlight
Can you see? Can you feel?
Heartstrings floating upon the air
With every whisper I blow gently
Every breeze carrying my heartstrings
To reach your ears
Can you hear?
Whispers of love, of love strings
Floating to you?
Can you see? Can you feel?
Heartstrings floating in the air
Love not loud and bright
Love not booming with all its might
Carried a thousand miles with the merest whispers
Softly spoken, silently given
Heart strings intertwine heart strings
Can you see? can you feel?
Me......written by Fiery Phoenix the Poetess